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Artistic research focused on painting and its History. With a keen interest on the relationship that painting proposes between the world and us. I investigate either the historic tradition as also the mediatized present by the reproduced image. I develop projects that are then exposed in galleries and art centers at a national and international level. I also work in the educational field doing projects for institutions like, M|A|C (Mataró Contemporary Art) or el Col·legi Montserrat of Barcelona and in my own centers BLANCDEguix in El Masnou, and recently in TAULADEGUIX in Barcelona. I design scripts and conduct shows and conferences that join music and painting, Pictofonies, a show with great public success. The essence of my pedagogic approach lies in the seed of my own artwork. A constant investigation that I then pour in my work as a pedagogue in the form of lively desire.


2018    ACCA Award 2017 in the education category for the project “El Relat D’una Exposició”

2017    Initiates permanent collaboration as a person in charge of artistic and visual education for primary school in Col·legi Montserrat, Barcelona.

2016/17 Carry out the M | A | C project for primary school “El Relat D’una Exposició”, as a person in charge of education.

2015    Initiates permanent collaboration as a person in charge of education in M|A|C (Mataró Art Contemporani). Designing and carrying out educational services, workshops and other projects.

2015    Teaches as independent collaborator in postgraduate “Artistic research” of the Barcelona University UB.

2014/15 Assume the educational program of the exhibition “Topografies/Atles mèdic artístic”       with great success. 

2014   Foundation of an Art center in  Barcelona. TAULADEGUIX.

2013    Collaborates with the Museum of History of Medicine MHM for making the research of “Topographies Atles Mèdic Artístic”

2014    Participates as a lecturer in the seminar of DUODA, feminist research unit of the university of Barcelona Science Park .

2004    Foundation of an art center in El Masnou BLANCDEGUIX.

2005    Fundation of a cultural center management

1992/2000 Work as a painting professor in the “Traç art center” in Barcelona.

1997      First prize for painting at the “Biennial of young artist of Europe”

1997        Participates as a teacher in international workshop in Sarajevo.

1992-93   Doctorate course in photography in Fine Arts Barcelona University UB

1991        Graduated in Fine Arts for the Barcelona University UB.




2018    “Verònica” Teatre Romà.  Vic

2015   “Topografies/Atles mèdic artístic” Can Palauet. Mataró

2015   “Topografies/Atles mèdic artístic” Sala Joan Comellas. El Masnou

2014    “Topografies/Atles mèdic artístic” Sala Muncunill. Terrassa

2012    “Stabat Mater” Galeria Alejandro Sales. Barcelona

2009    “La Palabra Es El Hilo” Galeria Arcimboldo. Buenos Aires

2008    “Registres”. Galeria Alejandro Sales. Barcelona.

2006    “Relationpint”. Pròleg. Col·lecció La Relació. Duoda. Barcelona

2006    “Album de familia”. Fundació “Sa Nostra” Palma de Mallorca

2004    “Lost Objects”. Galeria Ego. Barcelona

2004    “Album de familia”. Museu Episcopal d’Art de Girona

2002    Paideia. Sala Hac. Vic

2001    ”Sang i Caritat”. Galeria Alejandro Sales Barcelona

2000    “Caritat”. Glass cabinet. Galeria Estrany de la Mota. Barcelona

2000    Arco 2000 Stand de la galeria Estrany de la Mota. Madrid

1999    Macht und Fürsorge. Trinitatiskirche. Köln. Alemania

1999    Biennale dei giovani artisti… Roma. Italia

1998    “Count Down ” Cartes a Milena, Can Palauet, Mataró

1998    “Still life”. To lighten and to darken. Honiton Festival. Anglaterra

1997    Biennale dei Giovani Artisti…Helsinki. Finlandia

1997    “Cegueses”. Museu Episcopal d’Art de Girona

1997    Biennale dei giovani Artisti…Torí. Italia

1997    De cara a la paret. Centre cultural de la fundació La Caixa. Lleida

1997    “Since 1991” Galeria Palma XII. Vilafranca del Penedès

1997     Biennal Nacional de Arte Ciudad de Oviedo. Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias. 

1996    Fiac 96. Stand de la Galeria Estrany De La Mota. Paris

1996    “Parades en el buit”. Capella del Carrer Hospital. Barcelona

1996    Selecció Ciutat de Barcelona. Balmes 21 Barcelona

1996    “Tondo o la quadratura del cercle”. Sales Municipals . Girona

1996    ”Play attention , please” Centre de lectura. Reus

1995    ”Off-kawara i Recuerda” Galeria  Àngels de la Mota. Barcelona

1994     “Les Enfants terribles”. Galeria Antoni Estrany. Barcelona