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23 X 28 cm


Oil on canvas




This work has been exhibited at Trinitatiskirche (Köln, Germany) and at Can Palauet (Mataró) in the exhibition “Letters from Milena”, curated by Pilar Bonet and Martí Peran. It has also been exhibited at the stand of the Galeria Estrany – De la Mota at ARCO (Madrid), at the Galeria Alejandro Sales (Barcelona) and at the stand of the Galeria Estrany – De la Mota in the FIAC (Paris). This project consisted of creating a copy each day of a gynaecological and obstetric instrument during the final period of pregnancy. Each day, I painted an instrument currently used in medical practice (data painting). The project ended on the day of the birth. This project takes the project Off-kawara as a reference, which was created several years before. The paintings are distributed in five rows in the expository space, reproducing the distribution of the workdays in a calendar (with each row corresponding to one week of pregnancy). The title of each painting is that of the date it was made and the technical name of the instrument: 29-9-97 De Lee Forceps, 6-10-97 Collin Laudan Vaginal Speculum, 17-10-97 Breisky Pelvimeter, 22-10-97 Schroeder Uterine Curette, 3-10-97 Hegar Uterine Dilator, etc. Almost all the instruments take the name of the doctor who designed them.